Tuesday 26 November 2013


Libal Law
You can be sued for damages if you publish or broadcast things about a person which are untrue and damage their reputation (defame them) The law was created to protect individuals or organisations from unwarranted, mistaken or untruthful attacks on their reputation.
Example : - In November, Conservative peer Lord McAlpine announced his intention to seek libel damages from Twitter users over incorrect and defamatory insinuations linking him to child sex abuse. Lord McAlpine has dropped threatened legal action against Twitter users with fewer than 500 followers and instructed his lawyers to concentrate their efforts on seeking £50,000 in damages from Mrs Bercow, in what is expected to be the first High Court Twitter libel trial.
Obscene Publications Act Law
The definition of this is content that is "likely to deprave and corrupt" the audience for which it is intended.Lawyers may need to check whether a production breaks this law before it is released. Content such as sexually explicit, violent and/or drug taking is reviewed for suitability. Decisions are made dependent on factors such as age range of the audience, the time a production is broadcast.
Example :-
The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is a sequel to the film The Human Centipede (First Sequence), which was classified Although the concept of the film was undoubtedly tasteless and disgusting it was a relatively traditional and conventional horror film and the Board concluded that it was not in breach of our Guidelines at '18'. '18' uncut for cinema and DVD release by the BBFC in 2010.
Official Secrets Act Law
It is a criminal offence to obtain or publish any information from a serving or former member of the security and intelligence services or from certain categories of civil servants or public contractors where that disclosure would be damaging.
Example :-
WikiLeaks.org, the online organization that posted tens of thousands of classified military field reports about the Afghan war on Sunday, says its goal in disclosing secret documents is to reveal “unethical behavior” by governments and corporations. In a telephone interview from London, the organization’s founder, Julian Assange, said the documents would reveal broader and more pervasive levels of violence in Afghanistan than the military or the news media had previously reported. “It shows not only the severe incidents but the general squalor of war, from the death of individual children to major operations that kill hundreds,” he said.

Copyright Law

This law exists to protect people's creative endeavours so that they can properly benefit from their work. If such protection didn't exist and people were able to copy or sell or profit from another's work, there would be little incentive for people to create in the first place. Programme-makers are responsible for ensuring that all necessary clearances (copyright, trademarks etc.) have been obtained for their programmes.
SEARCH GIANT Google was fined €25,000 for breaking Belgian copyright law for every day since an initial ruling in September, amounting to a whopping €3.45 million.
It published links to newspapers in Belgium without permission a a Belgian court said. Google was sued by a group of Belgian publishers last September, charged with breaking copyright by listing stories and brief extracts on its news aggregation site.
According to reports,MSN and Yahoo have also heard from m'learned fiends over similar matters.

Privacy Law

If a media company publishes information about someone which is information that should be considered private, that is to say, information in respect of which you had a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’, then legal action for misuse of private information can be brought under the Human Rights Act 1998.


The News International phone-hacking scandal — dubbed "Hackgate", "Rupertgate", or "Murdochgate" by the press — is a controversy involving the now defunct News of the World and other British newspapers published by News International, a subsidiary of the then-News Corporation. Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of publishing stories. Investigations conducted from 2005 to 2007 concluded that the paper's phone hacking activities were limited to celebrities, politicians and members of the British Royal Family. In July 2011, it was revealed that the phones of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, relatives of deceased British soldiers, and victims of the 7/7 London bombings were also accessed, resulting in a public outcry against News Corporation and owner Rupert Murdoch. Advertiser boycotts contributed to the closure of the News of the World on 10 July, ending 168 years of publication. Continued public pressure later forced News Corporation to cancel its proposed takeover of the British telecommunications company BSkyB.


Thursday 21 November 2013

My Stop Motion Animation

The programme i used was Istopmotion3 witch is an animation programme to produce stop motion animations. the good thing about the programme is that after you take a photo , it leaves a shadow image witch is a faint outline where your object used to be , this is called onion skin. the slower the animation the better , slow is good. the settings on the program is 12fps witch gives a great viewing of the animation after.

this is the quick 5-7 second animation i made using my character

I like my animation because its quite smooth as i used slight movements to make my animation look professional  if i was to make it again i would change the camera.The camera was a bit difficult to use as the stand for it is not very stable so you get a lot of camera shake , the quietly is good though and im proud of first animation that I've made during this introduction to stop motion animation

Thursday 14 November 2013

My Character 

I wanted to make this character because i like carrots. but i wanted to it to be different so i made it a flat carrot. i got some orange and flattened it down and curved it inwards slightly. i then got some brown and thinned it out so make eyebrows , After this i got some white and made small flattened circles for his eyes and added green balls for his pupils. To make his nose i just added a small white circle and also thinned out a bit of white and stretched it out to make his mouth. the teeth were a special added effect to make him different , again i added just flattened square white teeth.