Friday 13 December 2013

Building an Audience
Distribution Platforms
My first option is to upload my web series upon youtube because its a worldwide website that is viewed millions of times aday ad has more chance of getting views compared to other sites. I could also upload my web series onto itunes as a download or video podcast , as my web series is about "guitar lessons " so my genre of web series would fit right into itunes.
Social Networking
My primary option is to " tweet " my web series to people who have " followed " greendays twitter and see if anyone would like to learn to play greenday songs on guitar and this would be the perfect auidence. My second option is to use facebook and instagram , i could do the same on both of theese social networking sites , but twitter is my first choice.
Crowd Funding 
Crowd funding is a way of grabbing your audience , when going on " kikstarter"  you can post about what film you are going to make , this allows people to donate money to your film " budget " because they are obvioulsy wanting to see that film. you have to set a budget you are wanting to create this film , you only have a certain amount of type to reach that budget and if you dont reach your budget in time , you dont get the money.
 To build my audince through the press , I would use magazines such as " the empire " and " NME " theese magazinbes would be ideal to use as they are about " punk " " rock " music , the guitar lessons I am teaching in my web series are " greenday " who are a " punk " " rock " band so this fits perfectly as I will attrract an audience who are interetsed in this .


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